João Roque Silva Júnior

João Roque holds a Bachelor's degree in Letters from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences and a master's degree in Science from the Post-Graduate Integration Program in Latin America, both at the University of São Paulo. He is interested in the production, circulation, and fruition process of cultural goods in Latin America, precisely issues related to the creative work on digital platforms, cultural policies, and strategies of resistance. João has also contributed as a Center for Latin American Studies on Culture and Communication (CELACC) member and participated in the Working Group CLACSO from 2019 to 2022.

Fields of interest 
Work in Creative Industries
Cultural Policies
Latin America


Silva Júnior, J. R. (2021). The challenges of the Brazilian creative and cultural sectors during and after the covid-19 pandemic. Revista Extraprensa, 14(2), 344-363.

Silva Júnior, J. R. (2022). Cultura, criatividade e desenvolvimento: as perspectivas para as indústrias criativas e culturais no Mercosul. In: Dennis de Oliveira. (Org.). Pensamento crítico latino-americano e enfrentamento à crise do capitalismo. 1ed.São Paulo: Instituto Abya Yala, v. 1, p. 120-145.