Hernán Herbozo

Hernán Herbozo is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the Université du Québec à Montréal. He holds a master's degree in Political Science (Université Lumière Lyon 2), a master's degree in Social Sciences, Cooperation and Development in Latin America (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) and a bachelor's degree in Political Science (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru). In his master's thesis, Hernán studied the role of memory in the construction of citizenship within the Franco-Armenian community in the city of Lyon. In his master's thesis, he studied the dynamics of civil associations promoting new frames of reference for more equitable educational policies.
For over ten years, he has worked in various sectors of public administration, most recently with the National Superintendence of University Higher Education (SUNEDU), as an evaluator of basic conditions for the quality of higher education institutions.

Areas of interest
Education policies
Vulnerability and social inequality
Comparative policy
Cognitive approach and public policy frameworks

Herbozo, Hernán (2020). Vulnerabilidad: Una propuesta conceptual para el análisis de las políticas sociales en el Perú. Revista Estudios De Políticas Públicas, 6(2), 1–15. (

Herbozo, Hernán (2022). Análisis Comparado de Políticas Memoriales en Francia: La Memoria de la Esclavitud y del Genocidio Armenio. Revista Interdisciplinaria De Estudios Sociales, (24), 9–36. (

Le Gouill Claude, Herbozo Hernán (2023). Des coopératives minières équitables ? : difficultés et réajustements de la filière "équitable" dans les mines aurifères artisanales et à petite échelle en Bolivie. VertigO : la Revue Electronique en Sciences de l'Environnement, 23 (1), en ligne [31 p.]. ISSN 1492-8442. (