ÉRIGALs participation at CALACS Congress in Montreal
ÉRIGALs participation at CALACS Congress in Montreal
6/4/2024   |   EVENTS

Many of our ÉRIGAL members were present at the CALACS Congress, from May 29th to 31st, 2024!

Andréanne Brunet-Bélanger succesfully defends her doctoral thesis!
Andréanne Brunet-Bélanger succesfully defends her doctoral thesis!
6/4/2024   |   RESEARCH

Congratulations to Andréanne Brunet-Bélanger, who successfully defended her thesis entitled

Congratulations to our SSHRC & FRQSC scholarship recipients!
Congratulations to our SSHRC & FRQSC scholarship recipients!
5/8/2024   |   RESEARCH

Five ÉRIGAL students received FRQSC and SSHRC scholarships in 2024!

ÉRIGAL renews its FRQSC grant for 2024-2028!
ÉRIGAL renews its FRQSC grant for 2024-2028!
5/6/2024   |   RESEARCH

ÉRIGAL has successfully obtained the renewal of its FRQSC research team grant for the period 2024-2028!

Publication of Julián Durazo-Herrmann & Charles-Antoine Leboeuf s article : Framing the Public Sphere, A Study of Print Media in Veracruz (Mexico) in the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society
Publication of Julián Durazo-Herrmann & Charles-Antoine Leboeuf s article : Framing the Public Sphere, A Study of Print Media in Veracruz (Mexico) in the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society
2/8/2024   |   PUBLICATIONS

Congratulations to Julián Durazo-Hermann & Charles-Antoine Leboeuf for the publication of their article in the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society

Success of our seminar New Democratic Initiatives in Authoritarian 21st Century Latin America, at Concordia, from September 13th to 15th, 2023!
Success of our seminar New Democratic Initiatives in Authoritarian 21st Century Latin America, at Concordia, from September 13th to 15th, 2023!
9/27/2023   |   EVENTS

Our back-to-school event at Concordia University brought together more than 20 Latin American specialists and over 60 listeners!

Next important ÉRIGAL event: Subnational Methodology Workshop
Next important ÉRIGAL event: Subnational Methodology Workshop
9/27/2023   |   EVENTS

The Workshop will take place @UQÀM, on November 9 & 10, 2023!

Congratulations to the ÉRIGAL students winners of the SSHRC and FRQSC scholarships!
Congratulations to the ÉRIGAL students winners of the SSHRC and FRQSC scholarships!
5/11/2023   |   RESEARCH

Emmanuelle Roy received the Bombardier SSHRC scholarship for the master’s degree, while Jonas Lefebvre is the recipient of the FRQSC scholarship for the PhD!

Congratulations to Martine El-Ouardi and Françoise Montambeault for their article Collectively Gardening the Urban Public Space in Mexico City: When Informal Practices Interact with the State
Congratulations to Martine El-Ouardi and Françoise Montambeault for their article Collectively Gardening the Urban Public Space in Mexico City: When Informal Practices Interact with the State
2/24/2023   |   PUBLICATIONS

Martine El-Ouardi, former student of ÉRIGAL and Françoise Montambeault, our director, publish an article on collective gardens in Mexico City in the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

Julián Durazo Herrmann presents his research project at the Campus Huasteca of the Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural, in the city of Ixhuatlán de Madero.
Julián Durazo Herrmann presents his research project at the Campus Huasteca of the Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural, in the city of Ixhuatlán de Madero.
12/2/2022   |   RESEARCH

Julián Durazo Herrmann presents his research project at the Campus Huasteca of the Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural, in the city of Ixhuatlán de Madero.

Françoise Montambeault publishes an article on FPIC protocols and indigenous participation, co-authored by Martin Papillon
Françoise Montambeault publishes an article on FPIC protocols and indigenous participation, co-authored by Martin Papillon
9/12/2022   |   PUBLICATIONS

Françoise Montambeaut publishes an article titled Repoliticising indigenous participation: FPIC protocols in Canada and Brazil, co-authored by Martin Papillon, in The International Journal of Human Rights

Congratulations to ÉRIGAL PhD Students who received FRQSC Scholarships!
Congratulations to ÉRIGAL PhD Students who received FRQSC Scholarships!
6/6/2022   |   RESEARCH

Juan Manuel Morales and Garance Robert were both awarded the FRQSC scholarship for their doctoral projects.

ERIGAL team at LASA Congress 2022 !
ERIGAL team at LASA Congress 2022 !
5/12/2022   |   EVENTS

Seven ERIGAL professors participated in the 2022 LASA Congress, from May 5 to May 8

Julián Durazo-Herrmann co-edit a special issue of Brazilian Journalism Research on Populism, Media and Journalism
Julián Durazo-Herrmann co-edit a special issue of Brazilian Journalism Research on Populism, Media and Journalism
1/7/2022   |   PUBLICATIONS

This special issue which presents debates on Journalism and Populism was co-edited by Julián Durazo-Herrmann, Tania Gosselin and Allison Harell (Université du Québec à Montréal)

Dan Furukawa Marques publishes an article on Brazilian landless workers experience of the political
Dan Furukawa Marques publishes an article on Brazilian landless workers experience of the political
8/24/2021   |   PUBLICATIONS

Dan Furukawa Marques publishes an article on the political experience of the landless in Brazil, based on the practical use of Merleau-Ponty’s political phenomenology as an ethnographic method in his field of investigation.

Publication of the latest book edited by Julian Durazo-Herrmann on regional integration in Africa and Latin America
Publication of the latest book edited by Julian Durazo-Herrmann on regional integration in Africa and Latin America
7/26/2021   |   PUBLICATIONS

In collaboration with Odair Barros-Varela, Julián Durazo-Herrmann, professor member of ERIGAL publishes his latest book: Olhares cruzados, Leituras comparativas da integração regional em África e na América Latina

Françoise Montambeault and Annabelle Dias Félix co-publish an article on implementation of participatory security mechanisms
Françoise Montambeault and Annabelle Dias Félix co-publish an article on implementation of participatory security mechanisms
7/2/2021   |   PUBLICATIONS

Françoise Montambeault director of ERIGAL and Annabelle Dias Félix, former coordinator and ERIGAL member, co-publish an article on implementation of participatory security mechanisms in the Journal of Latin American Studies

ERIGAL was at LASA Congress 2021
ERIGAL was at LASA Congress 2021
6/1/2021   |   EVENTS

Last week took place the annual Congress of LASA, the Latin American Studies Association, online from Vancouver. This year’s theme was the global crisis, inequalities and the centrality of life. Several of ERIGAL’s faculty members participated in this central scientific activity of the Latin American academic world.

Françoise Montambeault becomes Chairholder of the Chaire de recherche du Canada Participation et Citoyenneté(s)
Françoise Montambeault becomes Chairholder of the Chaire de recherche du Canada Participation et Citoyenneté(s)
9/15/2020   |   RESEARCH

Françoise Montambeault, ÉRIGAL director, becomes Chairholder of the Chaire de recherche du Canada Participation et Citoyenneté(s) awarded by the Canada Research Chairs Program (SSHRC) 2019-2020. Congratulations!

Françoise Montambeault and Priscylla Joca co-publish an article on FPIC and Indigenous Consultation Protocols in Brazil
Françoise Montambeault and Priscylla Joca co-publish an article on FPIC and Indigenous Consultation Protocols in Brazil
9/2/2020   |   PUBLICATIONS

ÉRIGAL members Françoise Montambeault and Priscylla Joca co-publish an article with their colleague Liana Amin Lima da Silva of the Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (Brazil) on CPLE and indigenous consultation protocols in Brazil.

Danielle Coenga-Oliveira, Carolina Campos and Priscyll Anctil Avoine write in the last issue of the Revista Luvö
Danielle Coenga-Oliveira, Carolina Campos and Priscyll Anctil Avoine write in the last issue of the Revista Luvö
8/20/2020   |   PUBLICATIONS

Danielle Coenga-Oliveira, Carolina Campos and Priscyll Anctil Avoine write in the last issue of the Revista Luvö

Luana Melody Brasil, ERIGAL student, gave a live presentation on media coverage and social movements in Brazil
Luana Melody Brasil, ERIGAL student, gave a live presentation on media coverage and social movements in Brazil
8/4/2020   |   RESEARCH

Luana Melody Brasil, member of ÉRIGAL, gave a live presentation on media coverage versus fake news in Brazil and the stigmatization of social movements in the Brazilian media

Tina Hilgers and Annabelle Dias Felix co-edit a special issue in the journal Policing and Society
Tina Hilgers and Annabelle Dias Felix co-edit a special issue in the journal Policing and Society
6/3/2020   |   PUBLICATIONS

Tina Hilgers and Annabelle Dias Felix co-edit a special issue on 20 Years of Community Policing in Latin America and the Caribbean in the prestigious journal Policing and Society.

ERIGAL Workshop: Research and Methodological Approaches  in Times of COVID-19. Challenges and Potential Alternatives.
ERIGAL Workshop: Research and Methodological Approaches in Times of COVID-19. Challenges and Potential Alternatives.
5/28/2020   |   EVENTS

On Thursday, 28 May, ERIGAL held a virtual methodological workshop entitled Methodological Research and Approaches in the Time of COVID-19: Challenges and Potential Alternatives for its members.

Kathy Meilleur receives a SSHRC doctoral fellowship for her research project Marronage versus Rurality, A Cross-Sectional Perspective on Violence, Identity and Social Capital in Jamaica
Kathy Meilleur receives a SSHRC doctoral fellowship for her research project Marronage versus Rurality, A Cross-Sectional Perspective on Violence, Identity and Social Capital in Jamaica
5/10/2020   |   RESEARCH

Congratulations to Kathy Meilleur for receiving a SSRHC doctoral fellowship ! Her research project is entitled Marronage versus Rurality: A Cross-Sectional Perspective on Violence, Identity and Social Capital in Jamaica

Jean François Mayer and Tina Hilgers receive a SSHRC Insight Grant
Jean François Mayer and Tina Hilgers receive a SSHRC Insight Grant
4/1/2020   |   RESEARCH

Congratulations to Jean François Mayer and Tina Hilgers for receiving a SSRHC Insight Grant ! Their project is entitled: Informality, Violence, and Resistance in Latin America and the Caribbean